Friday, August 22, 2008

Rapist Cop Took Photos (England, 2004)

Rapist cop ruined my life
Jan 20 2004
by Matt Slater, Liverpool Echo
RAPIST policeman Ian Tolmaer wore his uniform to prey on his teenage victim, her family said today (Tuesday, January 20). And the woman who suffered a brutal sex attack at the hands of the heavily-built 36-year-old said: "He has ruined my life." Tolmaer (pictured) yesterday pleaded guilty to raping the 18-year-old at his home where he also made a video and took pictures of her after the attack. Preston crown court heard she was almost unconscious when the film was made at the house in Prescot. On the night of the attack, the victim had been out with her boyfriend in Liverpool city centre. Her family say Tolmaer pretended to give her medical help when she fell ill. Her father said: "He came over and she thought he was helping and that he was a policeman. She then had no idea what was going on. "He forced her to go back to the house. "She was not well and he pretended that he was working as a policeman on duty that night and that he would look after her. "This has devastated the whole family. She is having to live what he did and he should never be free." Yesterday Judge Mr Justice Mackay said the victim had been "put in the hands" of Tolmaer in the early hours of Sunday, April 20, last year. He then raped her at his home soon after. When detectives investigated what was stored on Tolmaer's computer they found pictures of the victim. They had been taken on a digital camera and kept on the hard drive. Photos of other women who were either unconscious or sleeping were also found, and the court heard they were downloaded from websites. An internet trail on Tolmaer's PC showed he had visited sites with details of date rape drugs. His defence counsel Anthony Eyers said: "It does appear that this is a man who has an interest in date rape drugs. "But it is the case that this was a probationary police officer who investigates all sorts of crime." After the court heard details of what was on the video Mr Justice Mackay said it had to be determined if the victim was drugged. He said a hearing would take place in the next month when expert medical evidence will be given to settle the issue. A date has yet to be set. Tolmaer, who spoke only to confirm his personal details and enter the guilty plea, was remanded in custody after his counsel made no application for bail. He is expected to be sentenced at the hearing when the drug issue will be looked at. The Echo would like to point out that Tolmaer no longer lives in Scotchbarn Lane, Prescot.

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